Akvo Communications 

Project Overview

Like most not-for-profit organizations, the Akvo Foundation runs lean and mean when it comes to its marketing communications function. Husky Communications stepped in to multiply the ways Akvo could reach out to key audiences, plus provide a fresh perspective.

Project Objectives

After researching and strategizing Akvo’s communications needs and opportunities, our Husky Communications team went to work on five projects.

  •           An op-ed for a leading publication
  •           Expanded social media postings
  •           SEO keyword research
  •           A case study video on a key project
  •        Direct marketing materials

The Team


October 2020 – May 2021




Jim Cooney

Angelika Seaman

Yuting Dong

Andy Morse

Rachel Gardner

Neha Hamzah

Jason Carr

What does our sponsor say about working with our students?

What do our students say about working with Akvo?

While working with Akvo, I learned that they had not reached out to potential funders using direct marketing. As we progressed through the course series, it was self-rewarding to realize that because of our work, Akvo was considering reaching out to potential funders using this approach.

Andy Morse

Working with Akvo was the best client experience I’ve ever had. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to work on this project from start to finish and have learned a lot about my strengths and weaknesses.

Angelika Seaman

It was an amazing experience to work with Akvo for four quarters. Prior to this course, I had not had any experience running professional social media accounts. I learned how to create a content calendar, draft and publish content, and analyze results.

Rachel Gardner

We Proudly Present 5 Akvo Communications Projects by Our Students.

Social Media Strategy for Akvo

An op-ed for a leading publication

SEO Keyword Research

Direct Marketing Brochure

Case Study Presentation

Project Sponsor

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Akvo Foundation is a non-profit foundation that builds open source internet and mobile phone softwarewhich is used to make international development cooperation and aid activity more effective and transparent. We provide the software as a service, backed by a partner-support and training team.