Fashion Revolution – Cultural Framework Plan

Project Overview

This project was to create a cultural framework plan to support Fashion Revolution’s internal communication and human resource management. Based on cultural categories of Mexico, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, Spain, and South Africa, we reported on Fashion Revolution (FR) communications and HRM structure with comparative aspects of cultural dimensions theory and framework.


Project Objectives

Overall, the project was to help Fashion Revolution spread its messages on a global scale. Here are the specific goals:

  • Reinforce Students Ambassadors’ relationship with Fashion Revolution
  • Engage more volunteers and Fashion Revolution campaign participants in selected regions, namely FR Mexico, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, Spain, and South Africa
  • Increase collaboration within and across selected FR regions


Student Reflections

The project was very challenging and meaningful for us. It gave us an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills we have learned in our graduate program, such as cultural dimension theory, intercultural communication, and communication assessment. Moreover, the process of collaborating with the sponsor of the project gave us some experience in managing client relationships. Fashion Revolution’s values of respect for people and the environment impressed us as well.


January 2021 – March 2021





Yiheng Song

Ziqing Sun

Fashion Revolution Project

Project Sponsor

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Fashion Revolution is a non-profit global organization that is focused on a fashion industry that conserves and restores the environment and values people over growth and profit. It was founded in the wake of the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013, Fashion Revolution has become the world’s largest fashion activism movement, mobilizing citizens, industry and policymakers through their research, education and advocacy work.